A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away........
The Place to get Star Wars info for 5 years!!
Over 22,000 VISITORS!! and still going strong
I created a Star Wars site to inform all you fans out there. Actually, that has been just over four years ago now. And despite the fact the counter started in 2001, the site went up in March 2000, it has indeed been five years. First of all, let me apoligize for all the ads at the top which you had to scroll through. Without LinkExchange few people would find the site, and Tripod tosses in that other one. Lastly the ONE campaign is something I recently added for a good reason. Check it out and you'll see why. Now that all the movies are out, there's not much news to report so I am planning a massive site overhaul and redesign in the near future. Check out the ONE campaign banner above. It's a great cause and a higly recommend you check it out. Look for the "New" animated symbol to find what has been "recently" updated. Don't forget about the rest of the site though! There's still plenty of great info to look at. Anyway, I'll keep you posted. Thanks, and may the Force be with you!
There has been visitors since March 31st, 2001.
Check below to see which of the sections have been recently updated. Denoted by the "New" animation.
Overall Storyline
Episode II
Episode III
Hey check out this pimpin' site that my friend and I put up. It has nothng to do with Star Wars, but it's nifty. Just click on the picture.