Princess Leia has a very confusing past that only becomes mostly in focus in Episode VI. It is not until then that Leia learns that not only is Luke Skywalker her brother, but Darth Vader is also her father. Before, Leia considered herself the daughter of Bail Organa, the Viceroy and First Chairman of the planet of Alderaan. In reality, Leia is the daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala, and as she finds out in the Return of the Jedi, the twin sister of Luke Skywalker. However, before she realizes all that, Leia is the youngest senator the Galactic Senate has ever seen. She sees all the atrocities that the self-appointed Emperor Palpatine is committing and secretly joins/perhaps forms the Rebel Alliance. She obtains the plans for the Empire's ultimate weapon, the Death Star but is captured by Darth Vader. She is later rescued by Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca, but Leia is hardly a damsel in distress. She can easily fend for herself and many times does during the trilogy. One shining example of this is when she and Luke chase some stormtroopers on speeder bikes. She is quite the pilot and the marksman as she later takes out two Stormtroopers with her concealed blaster. Even when Leia is forced to wear a metal bikini in Jabba the Hutt's palace, she doesn't succumb to being an object and kills Jabba the Hutt single handedly by choking him. Leia eventually falls in love with Han Solo and they get married after the trilogy ends. Overall, for many, Leia is the most beautiful woman in the Star Wars trilogy, whether she sporting the cinnamon roll hair or the metal bikini. However, she is more than just a pretty face. She can kick some serious butt and anyone who disagrees will find out the hard way.