Swoop and S-Swoop Bikes
Swoops are similar to speeder bikes in their purpose, but otherwise quite different. Swoops can exceed speeds of 600 kmh (370+mph) where as speeder bikes only reach speeds of about 500 kmh (311 mph). Swoops are bare-bones vehicles with almost no accesories other than a seat, controls, and a seat belt. Basically Swoops are speeder bikes with a bad attitude. Thus, the appeal to outlaws, bount hunters, and thrill seekers of all kinds. Han Solo was quite the Swoop rider in his day out-manuevering many of his enemies to escape. The S-Swoop (pictured above) combines the best elements of the Swoop and the speeder bike. It still has the same great speed and rugged design but it is safer with more pilot friendly controls and better stablization systems. However, the S-Swoop is still a challenge to master for even an experienced pilot. I can't wait to see how Anakin uses this baby...
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