TIE Fighter
The TIE Fighter
is the most widely used starfighter of the Imperial Navy. TIE is
an acronym for Twin Ion Engine which is a prefix to most of the Imperial's
fighters. Like all TIE's the TIE fighter has no shields making it
very vulnerable to enemy fighters. One quad-linked laser shot from
an X-Wing is usually enough to destroy one. It also has no hyperdrive
as it is a short range fighter. It is armed with two forward mounted
laser cannons as its only protection from enemies. Although the TIE
fighter is a simple fighter and is no match for an X-Wing, they are much
cheaper to produce and are considered to be expendable. Pilots must
rely on their skill alone to survive. The TIE Fighter has appeared
in all the original Star Wars movies, but was not around in Episode I,
seeing as the Empire didn't exist yet.
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